November 17th, 2015

*Testing Period* – Be sure to post your results (and feels) to the comments!

A. Complete as many reps as possible for each of the following:
2 Minutes of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Alternating Pistols with Kettlebell (24/16 kg)
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Strict Handstand Push-Ups (if you can’t do them strict, then scale to kipping)
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Strict Supinated-Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes to establish a max effort L-Sit Hold
(you only get one attempt to hold for as long as possible)

B. 2K Row for time

C. EMOM x 15-18 minutes:
Min 1 – 12 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells
Min 2 – 8 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Min 3 – 10 Toes to Bar


-Warm up all the movements prior to starting the gymnastic “gauntlet”
-Note reps completed for each gymnastic movement (and time for L-Sit)
-L-Sit is on parallettes or dumbbells; set is over when heels come below bottom your butt
-2k Row is all out for best score
-Part C is not a test; just move and breathe


  1. A) MU-8, Pistols-11, SHSPU-12, SGCTB-18, L-Sit :16
    MUs, in general, are a struggle I’ve been working on. Maintaining a false grip is key for me and not always possible. Managed 2-2-1s. Strict HSPUs in sets of 2 until rep 8 when I went to singles. Strict CTB were done in 2s knowing they would go. L-Sit was hilarious. The no heel below my butt really made this quite the comedic act for anyone watching me shake and turn red. The struggle is real.
    B) 7:26 (:04 off my PB) quads were smoked halfway thru.
    C) 15 mins Done. Legs were tapping out on the lunges & box overs and lats were tapping out on the TTB. Good thing this wasn’t a test…
    Some serious rolling out and lacrosse ball work for me tonight.



  2. Physically I was not feeling well at all. Usually enjoy gymnastic work but really struggled moving today.
    MU- 13
    Pistols – 21
    HSPU – 18
    C2B – 17 (supinated grip is not something I do at all, Definitely had a different feel on the lats)
    L-Sit – :38

    Another day.

    Row – got on the rower, rowed 300m, got off the rower and went home. Again, just not feeling good. For whatever it is worth, I did a 2K two weeks ago at 7:36.0. Will try to do the rows again on Thursday.



  3. MU-4 (Was happy with my numbers since MUs are one of my many weaknesses. Need to work on not breaking my wrists)
    Pistols 16kg- 20 (Wrnt way better than I thought)
    HSPU-27 (Hit 15 straight then pieced the rest together)
    C2B-25 (Felt good)
    Lsit- :20

    Row-7:18 (Came out of the gate to fast)



  4. A.
    MU: 18 (13+5)
    P: 20 u weighted – struggle for me
    SHC2B: 13
    L-Sit: 20 sec definitely have more here. Caught the dreaded rectus femoris cramp. Also, we did these on parallettes with 2 45s and 25 underneath our feet.
    B. 7:01 – 8 sec PR. Really wish I had hung on to to sub 7. Next time. Mobes had great advice before hand for just picking a steady pace and sticking it to it regardless of how I felt, then pushing the last portion. I started my push at 250 m. I should’ve begun a bit sooner, or held my initial pace of 1:45 a bit
    C. 18 minutes done at 24kg and 24″. Thanks to Nic and Sean for setting the standard at 18 minutes.



  5. A.)
    Pistol-20 rx
    HSPU-24 Strict
    C2B- 5 (realized they were chest to bar in the last 30 seconds)
    Lsit- 0:07 really bad at these

    B.) 6:59

    C.) DONE 18min



  6. A.
    MU-15 (messed Kip up on rep 16) hit 9 UB to start, new pr.
    Pistols-8 @24 kg
    Chin ups (didn’t realize they were c2b until minute two, thanks Matt) so 12 chin ups then 9 chest to bar chin ups
    L-Sit: 15 seconds with plates under feet (this is hard!)

    2k: 7.13.3 (PR) 1:48.3 avg.
    this felt bad, could have done better. Need to strategize more and breathe more fluidly

    EMOM x18 done. At 53# KBS and 24″
    T2B didn’t have to break up, was excited.



  7. A.
    MU: 9 (7+2) first time doing 7 unbroken!
    Pistols: 29 @ 24kg lost my balance on the first few before getting a good rhythm
    SHSPU: 34 – first time doing them with an abmat and didn’t realize I was supposed to put plates on either side. oops.
    C2B: 18 – sets of 2 for the first 10 and then singles
    L-sit: 0:24

    2k: 7:45 – I’ve never done a 2k so I wasn’t really sure how to pace it and went out too fast at the beginning and died by the end.

    EMOM: 18 minutes 16kg and 24″ – probably should have done 24kg



  8. A: Gymnastic movements are my biggest weakness by far so this was a real struggle and definitely didn’t go well.
    MU: subbed for max ring dips and got 14. I definitely can get more but my shoulders were super sore today
    Pistols: 21 @ 12 kgs.
    SHSPU: Had to kip. Got 11
    C2B: 6 – I failed like 8 because i couldn’t get all the way to my chest. maybe not enough rest between?
    L sit: a solid 0:03

    B: 7:55

    C: used 16 kgs for the lunges and 20″ for the box.

    Thanks Jake, Matt, and Coop for introducing me to ROMwod. The soothing sounds of the tribal music in the background is really helping with mobility. And the stretching too i guess :p



  9. Today was a struggle. I took yesterday off because I wasn’t feeling well, and I’m still not feeling great.

    RDs: 36
    Pistols: 9 with 16kg.
    SHSPU: 4. Same as Saturday, my shoulders were smoked and I had a much harder time with these than usual.
    L-sit: 12 seconds. My limiting factor here is my quads. I always seem to strain one during l-sits. Advice, anyone?

    B. 8:23.9
    This is a 19 second PR for me BUT I was hoping to get closer to 8:00. Next time!



    1. Oh I forgot the Pull-ups

      I should have read the comments before, because I made the same mistake as a couple others and did regular chin-ups (7) before I remembered they were C2B. So 11 C2Bs done.

      Not my best day…




    2. Hey Emma! Regarding the cramping(I have the SAME problem), its likely a blood flow issue, that position will cut it off making the quads BURN. This can be worked through (only) by practicing the movement more often. Kinda like “running off” shin splints. Good luck with that 😉



  10. Made this one up today…

    MU: 12 (5+3+2+2)
    Pistols: 12 @ 24kg (first time with this movement)
    HSPU: 12 (kipping)
    Strict C2B: 21
    L-sit: 0:03 (LOL)


    EMOM 15 24kg/24″



  11. Made up this one today. I got stuck at work last night and was also extremely exhausted.

    RD: 22 kipping
    Pistols: 11 w/8kg – left leg always starts off weaker and i’ve never done weighted pistol before. Probably could go up in weight. Felt really strong/steady on the right leg
    HSPU: 11 kipping with 2 ab mats stacked
    C2B: 11 strict


    EMOM 15 16 kg/20 – some rounds i had to scale to 6 box jumps and 10 lunges, kept t2b the same.

    i did not feel great coming in here this week at all, tired and it’s my longer week at work



  12. A) 20 ring dips
    16 pistols – this was so awkward, i finally got the hang of the balance i needed near the end. 3 days later my butt still hurts.
    12 HSPU (strict)
    23 pull ups
    L-sit: I did not read the notes closely enough and held an L-sit for 45 seconds, guessing my heels began to drop around 30 seconds, but should probably retest this

    B. 2K row: 8:56. This felt like death, I didn’t know it could be worse than 5K, but somehow it was.

    C. Unfortunately I had to get to work and couldn’t complete this part.



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