December 27th, 2017

A. Power Clean; build to today’s heavy single
B. Handstand Walk; max distance in 3 minutes (turn arounds at 50 ft)
2k Row Time Trial*

*Warm-up well for this, be ready to hit it hard; control your pace and hang on at the end
*Suggested warmup:
Row 200m @80%
Rest 30 seconds
Row 300m @90%
Rest 1 minute
x 3
Rest 4 minutes, then hit it!


Optional Additional Work (either a separate session, or after recovering from your 2k)
40 minutes:
100ft OH Yoke Walk
100ft Reverse Sled Drag
2 Minute Sandbag Hold @chest (100/70#)
100ft Forward Sled Drag
2 Minute Assault Bike @70% effort


    1. This was the wron workout.
      A. 225, which my pr is 245. I went from 225-250, had a bunch of attempts that almost went Power but was forced into squat. I think it’s there though on a day I feel better! Props to Brandon for smoking 280!!!
      B. 208′
      C. 7:06.2 (I think sub 7 is possible) this is :07 PR
      Went 1:46, 1:47, 1:48×2 for each 500, which was the game plan. Sprinted last 200m

      Did 2 rounds of strong man and class started so I Bailed.

      Liked by 2 people


  1. A. 170# 😦
    B. 120 ft. Give or take.
    C. 8:46 2k Run. Went out a little fast, but did set a PR for my mile.

    Did not do extra credit because I’m going to see Star Wars.

    Liked by 2 people


  2. A. 195# – 5# below my PR. Tried for 200# for way too long, but it wasn’t there today. Struggling a little bit these past couple of weeks with not hitting any PRs, but a huge thanks to the 7am class and coach Stephen for being so great and supportive!
    B. 125 feet – didn’t break for the first 50 feet, which I think was a PB
    C. 7:46

    + 5 rounds of strongman stuff at a conversational pace

    Also, this is Sara… posting from my phone so it’ll probably list my name as something crazy! 🤷‍♀️

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  3. A. 155. It was a struggle. Wasn’t feeling super steady. Made some attempts, went to work on overhead stuff and came back to it.
    B. about 90 feet. I seemed to be able to balance really well today, but not actually move forward….

    2k Row Time Trial
    8:28. I’m pretty sure this is a lot better than when we last tested, but I can’t remember when that was. Definitely tired after!!

    did not do strongman fun because I also did tuesday workout….

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