December 22nd, 2015

-CrossOver Symmetry Activation Protocol  or the MisFit Shoulder Activation Circuit (
-Three sets of:
Drop Rebound Box Jumps x (rest 5-7 seconds between jumps)
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Push Press + OHS; 1+1+1 x 3-4 (start at empty bar and build slightly)

A. Power Snatch TnG Clusters; 3.3.3; Rest 10 seconds/rest 3 minutes x3
B. TnG Push Jerk; 5-5-5; rest 2 minutes
C. EMOM x 12:
Odd Mins: 30 seconds of Strict HSPU
Even Mins: 4-5 TnG Power Cleans @65%
D. 3-4 sets @ 95%:
6 Heavy Ball Slams
5 Burpees AFAP
Assault Bike 20 seconds for max cals
Rest walk 4 minutes between sets


10 Minute Bike @Z1 cooldown
-Build per set on Part A
-Build per set on Part B
-Part D should be done at a VERY HIGH EFFORT; If you don’t have slam balls, a  DB Ground to Overhead (something you can move quickly) will work as well. Yes, 4 minutes is a lot of rest. If you don’t need 4 minutes, then you are not going hard enough. Note cals for each set, plus how your recovery felt.


  1. A) 115, 125, 135 (shoulders and lats were rough today…not my best showing with this)
    B) 155, 165, 170 (all tng)
    a) HSPU: Went UB for 13, 11, 9, 8 (came off the wall whether :30 was up or not). 8+2 (came off wall at 8 and kicked back up to finish the :30), 6+2
    b) PC: sets of 5 at 155#
    D) On the Airdyne
    16 cals (:43 to finish round, used a 45#, touched tip to ground and then went overhead)
    16 cals (:42)
    12 cals (:45 – felt a significant drop off in being able to push the AD)
    12 cals (:43 – I think the AD was lying to me. My RPE was an 11…I swear…somehow the AD only registered 12 calories 🙂



  2. Workout at Crossfit Elysium in San Diego today.

    A. 83-93-98, last set of 3 was challenging at 100
    B. 105-115-125. Felt good
    C. 5-9 per round in 2 sets, cleans at 95
    D. Had to use 35 lb dumbbells and a rower (no slam balls or bikes at this box). 1:10 per round, 4 rounds. 5 cals per round. Tried to go as fast as possible. Felt pretty good.



  3. A) 145-155-165 (really had to fight to keep my grip on the last set of 3 for both 155 & 165. #nohookgripproblems)
    B) 205-215-225 (tng. reps 4&5 of 225 were definitely a challenge to keep the bar moving)
    C) HSPU: 6-6-5-5-4-3 (rested on the wall and kept these UB)
    PCs were 5 @185# (felt real clean. elbows moving quick today.)
    D) 45# plate from ground to OH and Airdyne:
    19 cals – :44
    17 cals – :44
    16 cals – :46
    15 cals – :47
    In general, the 4 mins wasn’t enough to settle my HR. I feel it took a good 2 minutes to get my breathing under control and by rds 3 & 4 I wasn’t impressed with this workout anymore. I was ready for a shake and to call it a day haha. Quads are still smoked from yesterday so it made the AD a miserable :20 struggle to go all out. I impressed myself with the speed of the burpees despite my hatred towards them



  4. A. 65-88
    B. 93, 113, 125
    C. #103 and then used an abmat
    Averaged from 4-7 hspu’s each round held the hold for the rest
    D. Finished in 50, 47, 47, 45 (seconds)
    Cals: 5,6,5,6
    All around pretty decent day!



  5. A. 135-155-165
    *these felt pretty good, heavy powers aren’t my thing

    B. 135-185-205
    *heaviest touch and go power jerks I’ve done

    5/5/5/5/4/5 @165 (65% of 255)
    *HSPU felt good and so did cleans

    12 cals through all 4 sets
    *had to use airdyne so I bumped the seconds up to 30 instead of 20



  6. A. 83,73,73. Brought the weight down and worked on trying to get my shitty technique to be a little less shitty.
    B. 105,115,115. Tough to breathe during these.
    C. HSPU: 6, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2
    These always feel so good…at first…
    Cleans at 103.
    :45 / 6 cals.
    :44 / 7 cals.
    :46 / 9 cals
    :44 / 7 cals.
    Kind of all over the place here. First one I definitely didn’t go hard enough on the bike. I felt fully recovered going into 2-4. Felt good!



    1. Note: I didn’t know we had a 50# slam ball so I used the #30. Thinking I should have gone with the 40#? For the future, by heavy, for women, which should we use?



  7. A. 155/165/175
    B. 185/195/205
    C. HSPU: 7/5×4/4
    Cleans: 6×5 @ 185
    D. 15/13/14/12 w/ 50# ball

    -Shoulders still feeling tight, especially in front rack on jerks. Will need some more concentrated maintenance. Tried to stick to a number after first set of HSPU, fell short on last set. Quads on fire. Currently doing cool down. Tough, but productive day.



  8. A. 115-125-135
    B. 155-165-185 (185 wasn’t as clean but I got it)
    C. 7,6,6,6,6,6
    5,5,5,5,5,5 @155 (9-12 seconds per cycle)
    D. 13,13,12,10 cals
    This was brutal. Every set was under a minute idk what though.



  9. A) 115-135-155
    B) 135-155-185
    Didn’t push to heavy on these. Needed form work
    C) 8-5-5-5-5-5
    5-5-5-5-5-5 @ 185
    D) 12-12-12-12 cal on rower

    Shspu have come along way so u will take 5s. Felt good on the rest. All set were under :50



  10. A. 125, 135, 150
    125, 135, and first cluster at 150 were TnG. Had to pause at the hip on the last two clusters. Felt good here today.

    B. 135, 155, 175
    These felt tough. Still struggling with pressing/jerking.

    C. 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 155lb/4 negative HSPU’s

    D. :44/14cal, :47/14cal, :47/12cal, :48/12cal (50lb SB)
    I was hallucinating after the 3rd round.



  11. A. 115, 125, 130/125 – completed one cluster at 130 and then failed so dropped 5lb and finished at 125. These felt okay
    B. 115, 125, 125 – still need work with jerking
    C. 12, 9, 6, 4, 3, 2, 2 / 5×5 @135
    D. 40lb slam ball – 13cal, 11, 11, 8



  12. A. 78, 83, 88 – failed last rep of cluster @ 88; just wasn’t patient enough and pulled from mid-thigh
    B. 83, 93, 88; had to drop down last set as tng became less tng
    Odd: 6/3/5/3/9/6; still kipping with 2 ab mats – these are still a struggle for me
    Even: 5 @ 93# all TnG – felt great; i love to clean
    30# ball
    Each round about 1:00
    10 Minutes on Bike completed

    **Snatches felt really good today. Still working on technique and bringing the bar to the hip. Jerks are still the worst for me although push jerks > split
    **I need to put the time into working strict HSPU. I tried to do one and then was like no.



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