June 21st, 2017

Activation/ROM work
Single Arm Upright Row x 10/side x2
Side Lying DB External Rotations x 10/side x 2
Bottom of Pistol Hold off Box x 20/30 seconds/side x 2

A. Every 90 seconds x 3 sets:
1 — HS Walk x 30-50ft
2 — Circular Scap Pull-ups x 8-10 each direction
B. Every 90 seconds x 3 sets:
1 — Sorenson Hold x 45 seconds
2 — Side Plank Reach Throughs x 8-10 each side

A. Back Squat @33X1; 75%x1-2 reps x 4 sets
Three rounds, not for time of:
Single Arm Overhead Carry x 100ft each arm
Goblet Kossack Squats x 8-10 each side
Supinated Grip Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups x 8-10 reps (in clusters of 2-3 w/ controlled lowering)

EMOM x 12
Minute 1: 10-15 Strict HSPUs
Minute 2: 20/15 Cal Row
Minute 3: Rest
Rest 2 minutes
EMOM x 12:
Minute 1: 20 Toes to Bar
Minute 2: 20/15 Cal Bike
Minute 3: Rest


  1. Sunday did the GG#3:
    15:42 HARD AF

    TUESDAY: worked out at Mayhem: did a clean + 2 FS: 225
    Triple FS: 265 in metcons

    Then a rope climb DU workout with Jake

    Activation donegymnastics done
    BS: 240 felt good

    Accessory work done at 75# and 24kg bell for C Squats

    Only had time for first 12 min EMOM:
    8 SHSPU UB
    20 cals on rower



  2. Gymnastics: done
    BS: 265#

    1-arm Carry: 36kg KB
    Cossack: 16kg KB
    Strict Legless RC instead of Chins

    EMOM 1: 15/15/12/12 HSPU
    EMOM 2: 16/20 T2B on rd 3
    16/20 Cals on rd 4 (sprint start was a bad ideašŸ˜©)



  3. Activation/ROM work: done
    (modified pistol on left side)

    Gymnastics: done
    HS practice for 1 min each rd
    A. Every 90 seconds x 3 sets:

    A. modified weights: 133 & 153

    OH carries: 53#, side squats 35#, C2B in sets of 2 – these were very challenging

    EMOM 1: 10 HSPUs (12 last round)
    EMOM 2: 17 T2B for first 3 rounds, only got 14 in 4th round; 12/13/12/12 cals on bike



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