February 15th, 2016

A. Every 30 seconds, for 8 minutes:
1 Snatch @ 65% of 1-RM
*Warm this up well before starting; these should feel great

B. EMOM x 8:
Even Mins: Deficit HSPUs; 1 more rep than last week, same deficit
Odd Mins: 2-3 Bar Muscle Ups

C. Ten rounds for time of:
3 Thrusters (135/95 lb)
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

Rest as needed, then…

D. Not for time:
40/30 Strict Ring Dips
50 GHD Sit-ups
60 Dual KB Front-Racked Reverse Lunges (16kg/12kg/hand)


  1. A) 135 – no misses but felt real clean on only half of them.
    B) 5 strict HSPU at 6″ (2 45#), 3 BMU
    C) 6:08
    D) done. Went straight thru (did not partition)



  2. A) 125
    B) strict hspu 3-3-3-3 at 6″
    Bu 2-2-3-3
    C) 6:39
    Kept everything UB but got called out. Have to get back on the bar faster. I agree. I will work on that
    D) done



  3. A. Done at 145
    B. One set of 3, then… 2 SHSPU + 1 failed rep or a kipping HSPU at 6″ deficit. Just didn’t have enough to squeak out a third.
    C. 7:27. C2B continue to bury me.
    D. Done

    Nothing felt particularly good today. Just felt stuck in my hips and shoulders. Hitting some mobility now. On to tomorrow.



  4. A. 115 L, no misses and all reps felt comfortable.
    B. 6″ deficit for 3,3,2,2 another weakness that I need to fix. Bar mu’s 3,3,2,3
    C. 6:(17 or 27 can’t remember) the first 5 rounds felt okay, once I got to the 7th round form got sloppy. All c2b were unbroken.
    D. Done (12 kg)



  5. A. Done at 78, this felt smooth and light.
    B. 2/2/2/2 w/45s+10s and an abmat
    1/1/2/2 took me a bit to get the hang of the bar mu but the last two sets felt good
    C. 8:04; this felt bad, back kept tightening up on the thrusters and the c2b’s still aren’t a strong movement.
    D. Done
    Feeling not so hot after a weekend full of crappy food and coldness, looking to feel better soon. Getting back on a good routine of healthy eating.



  6. A) 165 across. Felt good
    B) 2-3 @ 4″ deficit and 3 BMUs
    C) 7:46 (CTB went to poop)
    D) done (strict RDs sucked everything else was fine.)



  7. A. 135 no misses
    B. 4 hspu and 3 bar mu
    C. 6:14rx. Unbroken except for last round of C2B haha. I let the little bitch inside me come out on that last round. I took a while to get back on the bar on a few on the rounds. Fun workout!
    D. Done

    Liked by 1 person


  8. A. 135

    B. 3 kipping HSPU 4″ deficit, 3 BMU

    C. 8:14 RX
    Went unbroken here. There was a lot of heavy breathing in between sets.

    D. Complete



  9. A. 73
    These felt great!
    B. Deficit HSPU (1 set of 45# plates 3,3,3,2) 2 Bar MU each round.
    C. 7:54
    I was really nervous about hitting a wall here and I think I held back a little too much. Tough either way, though! Thrusters weren’t as bad as I expected, and C2Bs were feeling good today!
    D. Done (did not partition reps)



  10. A. All done at 115# no misses felt really good.

    B. did 2-1-1-1 SHSPU and a few kipping. 3 BMU each time.

    C. 5:30 rx. Thought I’d go sub 5 but started to slow down in round 7. Everything UB.

    D. Done straight through.
    20-20-20 at 16 kg



  11. A. done at 88
    B. 3/3/2/3 strict abmat and 25s, 2’s for bar muscle ups
    C. 9:54 rx
    Happy I didn’t have to scale the weight. Did 8 rounds of c2b unbroken to try to justify how much rest I was taking for the thrusters
    D. kipping instead of strict ring dips, scaled to abmat sit ups, 12kg lunges



  12. A. Done at 73. Felt great.
    B. 3 strict HSPU with abmat & 45+10 lb plates each side, felt good. Did bar MU attempts and got my first one in the last round!
    C. 11:28. This was terrible, c2b really slowed it all down.
    D. Done

    Liked by 2 people


  13. A. 135

    B. 4 strict HSPU 6″ deficit, 3 BMU

    C. 10:14 RX
    3 week hiatus. Thought kipping pull ups would magically come to. I guessed wrong. Half way through I had to stick to doubles and singles. Thruster felt good though.

    D. Complete



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