December 21st, 2015

*Great job to everyone that completed the OPEX Winter Classic!  You can see the scoreboard here:

Optional AM Session:
At easy effort:
1 Minute Row
1 Minute Assault Bike
1 Minute Ski
1 Minute Bear Crawl
1 Minute Skipping Rope
30 Second Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold
30 Second Farmer’s Carry (tough)
x 8

Main Session:
Three sets of:
8-10 Banded Good Mornings
8-10 GHD Situps
8-10 High Hang Cleans w/empty Barbell

A. Take 12 minutes to build to a heavy single Hang Clean

B. Take 10 minutes to build to a heavy single Front Squat 

C1. 15 Heavy Kettlebell Swings; Rest 20 seconds x 3
C2. Muscle-Ups; AMRAP (-1); Rest 3 minutes x 3

D. 10-12 sets @ 90% effort:
4 Alternating Pistols
7/5 UB Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
8 Box Jumps (step down) (24/20″)

Rest walk 1 minute between sets


  1. A) 205, 225, 235, 240(m), 240
    B) 255, 265, 275, 285
    C1) 15 @ 40kg, 7@40kg, 15@32kg- pleased as I haven’t swing the 40kg for that many reps
    C2) 10, 8, 7
    D) 16:59 (:29/:30 per set)



  2. A) 290
    B) 310
    C1) 15@40kg, 15@40kg, 15@32kg ( struggled thru the second set with the 40kg KB so made the switch to the 32 and fought for the 15)
    C2) 3-4-4 (these didn’t feel bad today so pissed I couldn’t string at least 5 or 6 together)
    D) 21:44 total (best :44 & worst :52 – avg :48s/rd – pistols and box jumps felt good. CTB were pretty much 5-2 & 4-3 throughout



  3. Did not feel great today. Ready for vacation.

    A. Up to 138
    B. Up to 185
    C1. 45#
    C2. Muscle up progression work. Felt ok.
    D. 10 rounds, average 45-50 seconds. Total time 17:15. All but 2 sets of can unbroken.



  4. AM:
    Went really well and it felt great!

    A. 275 PR
    *hang cleans are my enemy normally but they felt good today

    B. 335
    *these felt SUPER heavy

    C1. 72lb Swing
    C2. 3/3/3
    *shoulders were feeling a little junky

    D. 12 sets



  5. A. 153# matched a PR
    B. 205 today. 215 was painfully close! Next time for sure.
    C. MU progression complete. Feeling this come along, very confident!
    D. 20:17. I may have done 13 rounds, I’m not sure. Each round was about 35/40 seconds all UB.



  6. A. 275
    B. 315
    C. Used 36kg and for 7/9/8 on MU
    D. 10 rounds done- not sure on time, clock got re-set.

    – didn’t feel great today. Hands and shoulders were in rough shape. Muscle ups and pull ups smoked them both pretty good. Felt good to build up to decent weights in such a short periods of time.



  7. A) 235…Felt really heavy today. Just really rusty.
    B) 265…Also felt heavy
    C) 32kg and worked on dips and rows instead of MUs
    D) 12 sets avg 30-35 sec only did sets of 5 for C2B

    Overall been 5 days since I’ve trained and diet has been off. Just needed to get the first workout out of the way.



  8. A. 215 (matched my clean PR)
    B. 265 (96%), failed 280 (102%), but it was sooo close.
    C1. 36kg
    C2. 3,1,0 – these were really tough for me today
    D. 18:28 (12 sets, 7 CTB) averaged 0:28-0:30/set, so maybe I did 13 sets cause the numbers don’t add up? Only further proof that I’m bad at clocks/counting.



  9. A. 255
    This is either a hang clean PR or a match. It’s been a while. I had to work for this one.

    B. 255
    I went right from the clean to heavy singles here. I thought I would be ready to squat after the hang cleans. Maybe the CNS was all out of whack. Adam – I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this.

    C. 32kg
    3, 3, 4

    D. 12 sets with 7 C2B
    :38, :36, :38, :38, :36, :39, :38, :34, :40, :37, :41, :36



    1. Because the hang clean is so quick, you might not have been ready for the long eccentric of a front squat (especially since you are tall). I’d work on controlling the descent on the bar as you warm up the FS, so that you don’t just “drop” under it like you might on the clean



  10. A. 245#, took a few whacks at 265#, close but no cigar.
    B. 255#, had 275# but felt it going forward so I bailed, these definitely felt really heavy today.
    C. 15×3 @ 36KG
    4-5-4 on MU, first set felt bad.
    D. Did 10 sets, hands were close to ripping. About 40-45 seconds a set.



  11. A. 153; pretty close to 158; just couldn’t get under fast enough
    B. 195, PR for today I think; or a match. Can’t remember
    C1. 24kg – swings felt fine, all ub
    C2. MU progression work
    D. 11 rounds; didn’t record times, someone kept messing with the clock too



  12. A. 148, went for 153 and it assaulted me and sent me flying right back
    B. 195, jumped to 205 and it was sooo close I’m having some pain in my left hip I’m trying to work out.
    C. Used a 24kg kb
    C2. Got 2,3,3
    D. Ran out of time for and was really frustrated about that



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