November 30th, 2015

Optional AM Session:
35 Minute Assault Bike or AirDyne @Z1
*Every 5 minutes, perform 10-15 V-Ups + 25m Bear Crawl + 15m Seal Walk

Main Session:

-CrossOver Symmetry Activation Protocol  or the MisFit Shoulder Activation Circuit (
-Three sets of:
Monster Band Walks (6-8 steps each way)
Snatch Push Press + OHS + Snatch Balance w/ 2-second hold in the bottom; 1+1+1 x 3 reps (empty bar or very light load)

A. Every 90 seconds x 8:
Hang Snatch + Snatch
*Warm-up to 65%, then use the first 3-4 sets to build to a heavy working weight, then stay there for the last 4-5 sets
*Drop and reset if you need to between reps

B. EMOM x 6-8 minutes:
Front Squat @20X0; 2-3 reps @60% of 1-RM; speed focus

C. EMOM x 6-8 minutes:
3 Pull-ups + 3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups + 1 Bar Muscle Up

D1. Barbell Back Racked Step-Ups (16-18″ box); 6-8/leg; rest 30 seconds x3
D2. Strict/Weighted Pull-up Clusters;; rest 15 seconds between clusters; rest 30 seconds x3
D3. Dumbbell Bent Over Row @2111; 8-10 reps/arm (start with your weaker arm);  rest 2:30  x 3

-Snatch should be for near-perfect technique.  Make adjustments from rep to rep to ensure good mechanics.
-Speed focus on FS
-Gymnastics work  can be done the other way: BMU first, then the CTB, then the PU, for those that struggle with the BMU.  If the priority is developing kip for CTB, then focus on that here.
-For the pull-up “clusters:” choose a weight that you can complete for maybe 4  reps.  Do 2 pull-ups, drop down and rest 15 seconds.  Repeat this for 4 clusters of two, then rest 30 seconds and move onto the DB Rows. If you can’t complete all the reps after the initial 2, drop the weight and continue (but note what you did).


  1. A) 75-95-115-135-155-165f
    Missed 165 many times
    B) 3 reps at 215 all at :07
    C) ub pull ups. Had to come down for bm
    D) 115-135-155
    D2) 45-55-60
    D3) 70-80-90



  2. Still dealing with this pinched nerve in my low back. Weird movements are affected so did what I could.

    A) Went from high hang for 2 reps (anything from the floor was a no go today). Full, explosive hip extension is not possible: 115, 135, 145, 155, 155, 165, 165, 165
    B) 177 – done for 7 sets. Light enough that it was manageable
    C) can’t kip, butterfly is worse
    D1) can’t step up under load (going up stairs is interesting to watch)
    D2) 10#, 15#, 20#
    D3) 20, 25, 30# (didn’t know where to start with these. good information for next time)

    Hoping to be back in full form by the end of the week…unless I’m stupid which is very possible.



  3. A. 135-195 — had to take several cracks at 195 from the floor. Hang felt decent, but just need more patience and vertical drive when working from the floor.
    B. 8×3 @200
    C. Did my best here. B-fly felt OK, C2B need a TON of work. Did 8 sets.
    D. Step ups @165 (18″) for 3×8
    PU @ 26/31/36#
    Row: 3×8 @ 60#

    Feeling pretty exhausted after today with all the pulling. Really looking forward to making some progress with these movements as I build my capacity for volume and skill with gymnastics.



  4. A. 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 155, 155, 165

    B. 175x8x3 (felt a bit slow)

    C. Completed 8 sets. Worked in reverse. Bar muscle ups felt decent. Super awkward to get the butterfly going after the muscle up. Hand tore during the last set… of course.

    D1. SU: 165 (18″) x3
    D2. PU: 26lb, 26lb, 20lb
    D3. 60lbx3

    Felt ok today despite being viciously sore this weekend. ROMwod definitely helped out yesterday.



  5. A. Up to 88. Kept catching in power so stayed at the same weight for the last 3 sets. Hang felt better than from the floor.
    B. 8×3@128
    C. Managed 1+3+3 for 5 minutes, but missed the MU on the 6th minute. Did 3+3 and called it.
    D1. 85×8/side
    D2. Clusters at 10#
    D3. 25,35,35

    Felt very stiff today.



  6. A) 95-145. Felt good need to work not collapsing when receiving the bar.
    B) 8×3 @ 165
    C) Arm is still nagging me. Avoiding pull ups this week.
    D) complete



  7. A. 115,125,135,135,135,145,145,155
    Stoked on hitting 155, missed a few from floor at 135 because I was impatient, but just did another rep from the floor right after and was good.

    B. 8×3 at 175. Gotta drive with my elbows!

    C. Did all 8 sets unbroken and didn’t miss a rep. Stoked on that. Was able to make sets 1-5, 7& 8 all a butterfly movement including the BMU. On set 6 I hit my nose so I had to switch to a kip for the BMU.

    D. Used:
    135# at 18″
    20# for pull up clusters
    50# for rows

    Glad to finish part D. Got tiring. Had a ton of fun today though!



  8. A) 120, 120, 135, 135, 145, 155, 165, 165
    B) 195 for all
    C) all unbroken till last set
    D1) 135, 185, 235
    D2) did 26lb for all
    D3) 40 lb for all sets tempo was pretty damn shitty

    Great day today felt energetic had a few good meals before getting to the gym. Programming is awesome Adam, I’ll be sticking to it.

    Snatch was clean and fast, nailed all of them just stripper twerked on the a couple which my trainer got after me about. Gotta get a stronger bottom position with the bar overhead.



  9. A. 95, 115, 125, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135 – felt pretty good today. still feel like I’m getting the form down so I didn’t push it weight-wise
    B. 165x8x3
    C. Just could not get the rhythm today on the butterfly for some reason. idk. did all the PUs and some of the MUs one way or another.
    D1. 135 8×3
    D2. 35#, 26#, 20/unweighted – probably should have started lighter after all the pull-ups in part C.
    D3. 50#, 50#, 60#



  10. A. 63-98 – they felt good today; I feel like tecnique is getting better
    B. 115 x3 x8 min
    C. 3+3+0 – tried for 3 rounds to get a bar mu, just didn’t happen
    D1. 95# 8/leg – felt good, prob could have gone higher in weight
    D2. 10# – prob could have incr weight but hands were wrecked
    D3. 30# – also felt good, should have tried for 35#

    *Completed 2 full rounds of D1-3 then ran out of time
    *felt great overall depsite sleeping for 5 hours and working 12



  11. Couldn’t make it in yesterday so, hit a double this morning to play catch up.
    A) 155-165-175-185-195-205-215-225(hit the hang, couldn’t settle the catch on the full) all TNG
    B) 195 Across x3
    C) 1BMU, 3CTB, 3PU x6 (happy to keep this UB. not sure I could have if I didn’t reverse the order… something to test next time)
    D1) 135-155-165×8
    D2) strict 2.2.2×3
    D3) 70# x8 Across



  12. A) #73-103 was struggling at #93 then the rest felt really good!
    B) #115 8×3 these felt pretty light
    C) First 2 did not get any MU then on the 3rd got my first Bar MU! completed the rds up through 6 mins.
    D1- #83 could have gone higher, felt good
    D2- #10, these were a good enough push and got all the reps
    D3- #35



  13. A) 73#-93# today trying to work on that fine line between over extension and not being patient enough so stuck with lighter weights
    B) 113# – 8×3 – I liked the change of tempo for these
    C) I need to work on MUS, and the pullups were just not clicking today for some reason.
    D1) 95# – felt pretty easy
    D2) no weight added – again, struggled with the pullups
    D3) 35#



  14. A. 73#-103# last set was a struggle from just general fatigue- did not properly warm up the shoulders for this one
    B. 115# 8×3 felt like i could’ve done a bit more here
    C. completed 8 rounds and got 3 MU out of the 8 attempts- dang chicken wing on the left side…
    D1. 83# x10 could have done a bit heavier being at the appropriate height
    D2- 10# with my turtle pack!
    D3- 20# x1 / 135# x2



  15. A. Up to 93. My form starts to go after that, but this weight felt pretty good.
    B. 8×3@123
    C. Did 3+3 for 6 minutes, attempted a MU/very high chest to bar each round.
    D1. 83×8/side
    D2. Strict pullups (no weight). Pullups will continue to be something I need to work on!
    D3. 35 for all rounds/9 each set



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