June 8th, 2016

*As I mentioned the other night, feel free to substitute and work on things that are especially relevant to you. You guys can always message me for advice or video analysis. My number is the same as the gym’s!

Gymnastics Work
A1. False Grip Ring Pull-ups to chest x 3-5 reps x 4 sets
A2. Weighted Ring Dips x 3-5 w/3 second lockout x 4 sets
B1. Nose-to-Wall Handstand Shoulder Taps x 6-8/side (slow and controlled) x 3
B2. Bottom of Pistol Hold on Box x 15 seconds/leg x 3

C. Four or Five rounds as heavy as possible:
100 Foot Dual KB Overhead Carry
100 Foot Bear Crawl with Dumbbells
100 Foot KB/DB Walking Lunge
100 Foot Seal Walk
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Run 2 minutes @ 80% effort
Rest walk 1 minute
x 8

*Low stress here, focus on steady breathing & cadence


  1. A. Done
    B. Done
    C. Did 4 sets due to time.
    53# per hand Overhead carries
    10#, 15#, 20#, 20# Bear crawls
    Used 53# KB per hand for lunges
    Frisbee for seal walk (This was a nice rig maker)

    Runs will be done later.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. A. Did Butterfly CTB and the dips at 10/20/30/30
    B. Done
    C. Done with 24kg overhead and lunges. 20# bear crawl. Seal walk with novelty flying disc. 5 sets. Felt like my insides we’re going to explode.
    D. Done – did these as 400m runs. Felt good to actually hear my foot strike turn into a cadence. Cool stuff. Ready for a rest day tho! See ya’ll frideee

    Liked by 1 person


  3. A. Done 16kg
    B. Done
    C. 5 sets
    24kg x 3, 28kg x 2 overhead carry
    30lb bear crawl
    24kg lunges
    D. Started and then my calves cramped up about 1:00 in and I couldn’t finish. Running hasn’t been my friend lately…



  4. A. Done 24 kg for dip
    B. Done
    C. Did two rounds 24kg, 30# Dumbbells and that frisbee.
    Took a nice solid hour rest, then i did two more rounds with the same numbers
    D. Cramped up on the second run totally wanted to stop, thanks coop for the tips and push.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. This was much harder in real life that it looked in writing…
    A. Done. Used a weight vest with 20lbs(?) for the dips. Going to try to work in these pull ups a few times a week even if they are not programed. Hard, but good.
    B. Done
    C. Dear god this was super challenging. 45# DB for overhead, 20# for bear walks and lunges. Probably could have gone up in weight for the lunges, but this seemed to be the only part in which I was not dying.
    D. Running all good. Really like these sets. Just need to get faster.

    Liked by 2 people


  6. hahaha I’m about to fill in like a buncha days all at once. I’m sorry I’m so terrible at posting. Coop. Keep yelling at me and i’ll eventually remember 🙂

    A: done with 10# added. wahoooo. like suz said, the pullups were hard, but good. I still have a hard time holding that false grip so I’ll keep doing that lax ball drill.
    B: done
    C: This was so super terrible. mainly the seal walk haha. 30# overhead dumbells, 20# bear walk dumbells, 30# lunge dumbells.
    D: I had a beach vball match at 9 so I didn’t run so I could make sure my legs were okay to play haha



  7. A. Complete.
    Worked up to 45lb for pulls and dips.
    B. Complete.
    C. 24kg OHW/lunges, 20lb crawls
    4 rounds. This took me about 40 minutes. Totally pooped.
    Runs complete. Ran 8x400m plus rest walks.



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