January 13th, 2016

Warm-up of choice, then…

Three sets, not for time:
2-3 Legless Rope Climbs
10-15 Meter Handstand Walk
20-30 Second L-Sit


4 Minutes @ 80% effort
10 Box Jumps (24/20″) — step down
10 Wall Balls (30/20 lb)

Rest 4 minutes

4 Minutes @ 90% effort
10 Front Racked Reverse Lunges (95/65)
10 Pull-ups

Rest 8 minutes

4 Minutes @ 100% effort
10 Burpees
10 KBS 2/1.5pd

– Just to be clear here: the percentage of effort here is relative to the time-frame. To give an example, if you were to be given 4 minutes @100% on the Assault Bike, your wattage would be WAY different than if you were giving 100% for 20 seconds. For this one, the KBS take a relatively set amount of time to complete, so the percentage of effort would really come into play on the Burpees and the transitions. DON’T HOLD BACK HERE. If you hit a wall at 2 minutes and die, well then at least you found out where your threshold was. If you can walk it off and be talking normally withing a minute of completion, you didn’t go hard enough.
– Please take care of your hands; if you need to practice using gloves or some other sort of hand-covering, get used to it now.


  1. Warm up stuff done

    A. 4 rounds + 2 wall balls (legs were tired!) everything UB
    B. 4 rounds + 6 lunges (didn’t feel so bad) everything UB
    C. 5 rounds + 15 reps at 70# (didn’t feel that gassed, just need to move even faster…somehow..?) everything UB



  2. Did 3 half climbs for the rope climbs for the leg less climbs because I felt like I was gonna die at the top. My arms are so tired.

    Did L sits on the rings

    Did handstands against the wall and tried to lift my hands up one at a time to get used to shifting weight

    A: 4+2
    B: 3+1
    C: 4+0



  3. A.4+3
    B. 4
    C. 4+13
    Day 4 after making up last Saturday on Sunday. Glad to have tomorrow off. Today felt pretty decent. Happy to get some b fly pull-ups in after a little hiatus.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Hey guys,
    I’m from Crossfit Lawless..a buddy of mine who dropped in to you gym told me about all the animals you had at your gym so I figured I’d look into the programming and try it out. Today was mentally tough, so I tried to squeak out a victory where I could.

    2+ 4 wall balls at 14 pounds
    2 + 8 ring rows
    4+17 with 35 pound KBS. (Happy to have gotten one of the top scores here!)

    Looking forward to seeing where I stack up against you all!

    Liked by 2 people


    1. Andrew Tippman. As you probably know by now, I went ahead to confirm your validity with CF Lawless, and as you probably ALSO know, you do not exist. All of this BS and time you’ve taken to create fake posts is not only a huge waste of your time but also the time of those that genuinely reached out with well wishes and advice on how to get through things and improve yourself. Whoever you are, you are a coward and you disrespect a community of people that are ACTUALLY working hard to better themselves. Not only are you disrespecting them, you are especially disrespecting the person that spends countless hours pouring his creativity and care into this programming, Adam. Shame on you.

      And if you still think this is “funny”, think about the things that matter to you, and how you might feel if someone decided to treat it as though it was a joke. This wasn’t and isn’t funny.

      Good luck to you and your trolling adventures.

      Liked by 2 people


  5. Warmup done
    A. 4 rds
    B. 3 + lunges and 6 pull ups
    C. 4 + 4 burpees
    Felt pretty good today despite waking up feeling a bit sick. Missed being pushed during these metcons with you all! Ready for a rest day and romwod! ~ROMWOD is life~



  6. A. 4 at 20#ball
    B. 3+5
    C. 4+1
    Everything felt good today. Was happy to do everything unbroken. Even wall balls and swinging that big ass kettle bell. Really enjoy training with y’all

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Warmup done, tried to do handstand holds instead of walks today.
    A. 4+4 – even at 80%, my legs were burning by the end and I think I got hit in the face with the ball.
    B. 4
    C. 70# 4+2 – I lost track and thought I did 3+2, but later realized that if I was staying just a little bit ahead of emma (which I was. yes emma you were my yardstick) 4+2 made more sense. I’ll say it again, more than anything I think I need to work on counting and telling time……

    Liked by 2 people


  8. A. 3 + 18
    B. 3
    C. 3
    Had a hard time controlling my breathing tonight and my quads were smoked from the very beginning which slowed me down on the box jumps



  9. A) 3+14- really tried staying at 80% and had to keep taking a step back to do so. I find I hold my breath on those wall ball which 1) is a terrible habit and 2) elevates my heart rate quickly. But when I breathe at the bottom I struggle hitting the target when using the 30# ball. Keep working at it.
    B) 4+18- felt I was moving well and living in 90%. Heart rate was controlled. Movements were manageable although in that rd of 5 for the pull ups I started to feel the pulls becoming much more work.
    C) 4+15….Saw CMarsh’s 5+15 and was going to try to chase that….and realized I wasn’t even going to be close. Thanks for the update. I feel a small bit better about my life. Then I felt like a dbag as I did KBs then burpees. Not sure how that would have affected my score.

    Last two weeks 4min work- finding that around the 2:00 mark seems to be my threshold for “100% work.” Today was thru 3 rounds in 2:10. Fell hard after that. Certainly breathing heavy but muscular endurance seemed to be the bigger limiter. Similar story last week.

    Welcome Andrew!



  10. A. 4+2. Kim had to remind me this was at 80%, which was no longer a problem after my legs started burning in rd 2 the box jumps.
    B. 2+7. pulls up need work.
    C. 4+2. These are a few of my favorite crossfit things (to the sound of music tune).

    p.s. Welcome Andrew!
    p.p.s. #ihatealabama



  11. Warm up was well… A bit lackluster this am to say the least. Took me quite a while to get into things.
    A) 3+12 (very controlled and stable. Minus legs felt real heavy on the box jumps)
    B) 4 (same as MQ, glad to get the b fly pull-up work in but, I realized I hold my breath through both of the movements which makes everything all out of whack real quick)
    C) 4 (made it thru the first 2rds in 1:36 and, until this point, get like I was giving it hell. Then the drop off happened…)



  12. Made this one up today. All caught up. Happy to be back with the group tomorrow. I feel like I actually RX’d the percentages today… maybe could have gone a tad harder in the lunge/pull-up piece. I definitely spent some time on the floor after burped/KB piece.




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