January 4th, 2016

Optional AM Session:
Row 10 minutes @easy effort
Row 500 meters @90%
Row 250 meters easy
Row 250 meters @95-97%
Rest 2 minutes
Row 10 minutes @easy effort

Main Session:
Three sets of:
10-15 Banded Good Mornings
10-15 GHD Situps
10-15 Light Goblet Squats
Three sets of:
4-Stop Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean; 1+1 x 3 (light to moderate)

A. Clean w/pause at the knee;
2 reps @50%
2 reps @60%
2 reps @70%
EMOM x 10 minutes:
1 rep @80-85%

B. Front Squat; build quickly to a single @90+%, then:
4×2 @85-90% (rest as needed)

C. For time:
25 Wall Balls (30/20 lb)
5 Rope Climbs (15′)
20 Wall Balls
4 Rope Climbs
15 Wall Balls
3 Rope Climbs
10 Wall Balls
2 Rope Climbs
5 Wall Balls
1 Rope Climb

Rest 3 minutes, then…

D. 3 minutes of max Double Unders

-Part A: Pause at the bottom of the kneecap for 2 full seconds, then get tall and aggressively finish the clean


  1. A. 135, 155, 185 (off of 255), then 215 for the EMOM
    B. 3 quick sets to get 90%+ after cleans (235, 255, 275 – that was it for today). 4×2 @ 250 (85% of 295)
    C. 14:44
    D. 177 (40+ reps shy of my 2:00 DU test)



  2. A) 150, 180, 210, & 240 for EMOM (followed %)
    B) Heavy Single – 255, 275, 295, 305. then:
    3×2 @ 255 and 3×2@ 275 (should have been 275 from the start but, I apparently can’t do basic math and confused by the number of 15 and 10# bumpers I had on the bar…)
    C) 14:00
    D) 83 (Buddy Lee would have slapped me and kicked me out of the gym. Pretty awful…)



    1. Sorry I was testing it
      A 115, 135,155 emom at 175
      B 275 4×2 at 245
      C 15:27 with a 20# ball. Not ready for 30#… Yet
      D 107 hard to get your arms moving after C
      Super pump and sore to be back lol
      A and b were base off my new max numbers. Can’t wait to build those number again



  3. Moring session 2044m row
    4×1000 row

    A) 245 emom
    B) up to 305
    Used 245×2
    C) 10:10
    174 du

    Can’t feel my arms. Good stuff today



  4. A. Up to 155 then emom @180 (84%) – I felt really fast and strong on these today.

    B. Up to 245 then 235, 235, 240, 245.

    C. 8:31 No 30# so used 25#. Usually I struggle with getting my legs wrapped around the rope correctly and use a lot of upper body, but today it went really smoothly and I broke up the wall balls into two sets for the first few rounds so I wouldn’t get too fatigued early on.

    D. 164 – was only getting sets of max 20 unbroken, but recovered quickly between trips and kept grinding.

    Can’t wait to get back with the squad on Wednesday.

    Liked by 3 people


  5. A. Worked up to 113 did emom @128 (this felt light)
    B. Got up to #188 felt great did 4×2 @168
    C. 8:55 wall balls were almost all unbroken, felt good today. Rope was a little short by maybe a foot or two (it was the only rope accessible) they felt good.
    D. Going to do tomorrow, wussed out with sharp stomach pains.



  6. A. 135-205, then 230×4/235/240×2/245/250×2
    B. 285/290/300×2
    C. 7:47
    D. 195

    Tweaked my back with the pause clean. Feels like a lower T spine spasm, gonna see how that feels going into tomorrow. Should be fine. Rope climbs felt OK, but first exposure to that kind of volume in a short window. I definitely got sloppy with pulls as we got into the round of 4/3. Definitely a lesson learned in terms of the importance of accuracy jumping off the floor. Was SMOKED for the DU. Opened with 50, then broke into sets of 25.



  7. A. 135/155/175
    Then 210×5, 215×3, 220×2 (thanks to Sean for the push here)

    B. Up to 265
    Then 245 x4x2

    C. 6:57 RX
    Felt good here. Did the wall balls:
    Rope climbs all of them pretty much touch and go.

    D. 135
    Everything hurt here and I still gotta lengthen my rope or figure out how to not suck because lately my dubs have been really bad.



  8. A. 135/165/185… 225 for the emom
    B. Up to 275 then 255 for the 4×2
    C 6:42. Rope climbs felt good but probably rested too much. All wall balls unbroken, excited about that.
    D. 242. I did the first 100 unbroken. This worked my shoulders



    1. I rested a while and hit that C&J burpee over bar workout from last Friday. Coop’s video inspired me to get crushed by it. Finished 9:57rx. Burpees killed me per usual

      Liked by 1 person


  9. Debating coming in today cause I’ve been feeling under the weather the past few days. Glad I decided to power through it!
    A. 83, 103, 113
    Singles done at 133
    B. Up to 193
    4×2 @ 183, 173 x 3
    These felt really heavy today. Had to scale it back to 82% for the last 3 sets.
    C. 11:06
    James and I shared a rope, so I got a bit more rest than I probably needed, but this was still challenging. Rope climbs felt pretty good, arms were shot during the wall balls.
    D. 123. Ew.



  10. A. 135-205, then 230×4/235/240×2/245/250×2

    B. 285/290/300×2

    C. 12:30

    206 dubs

    Like Matt said, these pause cleans light up the low/mid back. Overall felt really good today. Just need to work on my rope climbs.

    The girls crushed it today! Nice job guys.

    Liked by 1 person


  11. A. 83/93/103 & 123 for EMOM
    B. 175 for 2 sets, 165 for 2 sets
    C. 25 min? This was pretty much the worst experience ever. Rope climbs dwindled to 1/2 climbs for fear of falling after 10. Wall balls in comparison felt great.
    D. 115, calves cramping.



  12. A. 135/155/175
    Then 210×5, 215×3, 220×2

    B. Up to 245
    Then 225x4x2: Knees felt like awful after the cleans

    C. 7:15
    20lb Ball: Tried to throw it as high as possible to make up for the weight.
    3 Strict CTB for every rope climb

    D. 85: Knees felt shitty. Was hard to keep going.



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