December 5th, 2015

*TONIGHT IS THE FULL RANGE HOLIDAY PARTY.  I hope to see all of you there!*

A. Individual Skill Work:

EMOM x 18 minutes:
Odd Minutes – 20-30 seconds of work on something you are weak at
Even minutes – 20-30 seconds of work on something else you are weak at

*Look to build off of what you did last week, factoring in the movements you need to perform in today’s Part B

B. For Time:
Run 800m @80-90% effort
Rest 2 minutes
30/20 HSPUs (Strict is preferred, but kipping if needed)
50 Pistols
200m Farmer’s Carry (32/24kg/hand)
100 Double Unders
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800m @ same pace as first

This “grinder” style workout is intended to help you develop good pacing while approaching the thresholds of muscular endurance. Don’t let yourself get too attached to the outcome (ie. wishing you could have gone faster), but rather use this to learn how to break up some of the movements in the way that allows YOU to move through it in the most effective way possible.


  1. A) HS walks (it’s moving forward that’s the issue…a small issue, I know) and strict supinated chest to bar pull ups (butterfly c2b is what I need to work on but did those yesterday with that bar muscle up complex). As mentioned when we tested these, for some reason that grip I find how tight my lats really are.

    B) 800m – 3:04
    Middle: 8:15 (2:00 for strict HSPU- 12, 9, 3, 2, 2, 2; 2;00 for pistols; dropped kb every 25m…pull the string here; 2 trips for double unders – see farmer’s carry for commentary on my double unders)
    800m – 3:06



  2. A. HSW and b-fly pull ups


    16:10- HSPU and pistols are quite possibly two of my worst movements. Took me 7-8 minutes to do the 30 strict. Pistols felt OK. By far the most I’ve ever done. Glad to get some much needed work here.




  3. A. 6 butty boys
    10 GHD

    B. 3:18
    3:39 (chilled too hard here)

    Did the shspu as 3-3-2-2-singles
    Suck at those.
    Pistols sucked too cause my back felt so tight. Echoing Matt here and saying that these two are some of my worst movements. Also glad to attack them though.
    Farmers Carry had my arms pumping. DU went 69-31.



  4. A) L-Sits and HS Walks
    – L-sits are getting better. Tried to hold for 20 secs eventually turned to 15 sec holds
    – HS walks are in consistent. Need to work on staying right in my core and engaging Lats.

    B) 3:35, 13:57, 3:47
    -HSPUs 10-6-6 then doubles and singles. Pistols and DUs were hard today. Hips were tight which made pistols tough. DU are getting better but hard to get in a rythem when winded. But was good to work on a lot of my weaknesses today.



  5. A. Day 1 of the muscle up progression. Feeling optimistic!

    B. 3:35
    11:26 RX. First 7 HSPU strict, then moved to kipping
    4:20. Got a nasty case of side cramp here, hence the terrible drop off.

    Wasn’t properly fueled or hydrated for this. Felt hungry going into the grinder, but was otherwise pretty pumped that it went smoothly. Tried just to stay steady throughout, not push myself to failure, but not give up and rest too much.

    Can’t wait to see y’all tonight!



  6. A. EMOM 18
    Split jerks (45-95#) Focused on footwork
    Freestanding handstand holds

    10:58 (could not get any handstand pushups here – scaled to 20 L seat strict press at 35#)



  7. A. Butterfly PU/ DU – since having some issues with pullups the other day thought I’d work on my form. Tried to do as many unbroken as possible up to 10. It varied between 6-10. DU are definitely one of my worst movements so…

    3:07 – 800 is a weird distance for me and I wasn’t really sure how to pace it. I tried to figure out what my goal should be based on my 400 time, but I don’t know if it works like that. At 90% I maybe should have been a little faster.
    10:25 –
    HSPU – 15, 10, 3, 2
    Pistols – 25, 15, 10
    Farmer’s carry – dropped kb at 50m, 50, 25, 25, 25, 25
    DU – Felt great until this. Tripped like 10+ times. Was doing doubles and triples for the first 30. FML. At around 50 I was able to get 20-30 unbroken until the end.
    3:38 – my running mechanics were completely gone and I felt like I was flailing around. Had to walk for a few seconds twice, but had a decent kick for the last 200m to try to stay remotely on pace. Pacing…glad to work on this.



  8. A.
    Hanging leg raise x6
    Butterfly pull-up x7



    *Did 5 and then 3’s on the HSPU, 20,10,20 on pistols, and unbroken on dubs. Thanks for letting me use your rope Matt




  9. A. Muscle up progression
    B. 4:20
    **HSPU- kipped w/2 ab mats, 20 kg farmer’s carry, having trouble w/ du’s lately – I think the problem was my arms/shoulders are too fatigued at this point



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