May 24th, 2017

Optional AM Running Work
Part 1:
30 minute easy run
(conversational pace)
Rest 2 minutes, then…
Part 2:
Three sets of:
Run 600 Meters @easy to moderate (based on feel)
Right into
Run 400 Meters @ mile pace
Rest 90 seconds

**The 400s are the core of this workout; don’t burn yourself out on the 600 going in to it. You should be pretty aware of the fatigue based about your 400’s by now

Main Session
Gymnastic Work (Courtesy of CFM)
A1. Belly to wall HS hold x:45 seconds x 3 sets
A2. Prone weighted PVC pass throughs x10 reps x 3 sets
B1. Maltese ring push ups x3-5 reps x 3 sets
B2. Bridge heel slides x5 reps x 3 sets **keep hips up thought the entire movement
C. Hollow rocks (arms by hips) :10 seconds on :10 seconds off x10 sets

A. Back Squat @X5X1 tempo (5-second hold in the bottom, then use a spotter to get out of the bottom) x3x3 @80%
4 rounds of:
100ft OH Yoke Walk
100ft. heavy farmers walk
100ft. sled push
100ft. heavy sled drag
Rest 5 minutes
Strict Ring Dips
Strict Toes to Bar
Triple Unders
Rest 10 minutes
400 Meter Sandbag Walk (150/100 lb)


  1. AM session done.
    :22/100 for 400s

    A1. Done
    A2. 5# x10
    B1. 5 reps
    B2. Done
    C. Done

    BS: 255

    Yoke: 235×4
    Farmers walk: 135/155×3 per hand
    Sled push: 90# on sled x2, 140×1, 160×1
    Sled drag (facing forward): 195 on sled x4

    Sandbag carry: 6:59! YOW!!



  2. AM session done.
    :22/100 for 400s

    A1. Done
    A2. 5# x10
    B1. 5 reps
    B2. Done
    C. Done

    BS: 345

    Yoke: 285×4
    Farmers walk: 135/155/155/175 per hand
    Sled push: 90#, 140, 160, 180 on sled
    Sled drag (facing forward): 195 on sled x4

    Sandbag carry: 6:08 Dropped 4 times

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