March 20th, 2017

Activation Work
A1. Front rack pump throughs x5-10/side x2
A2. PVC elbow touches x5-10 x 2
B1. Quadruped hip rocks x30 seconds/side x 2
B2. Hanging shoulder blade circles x 10-15 x 2
C1. Tempo goblet squats x 3-5 x 2
C2. Prone Overhead PVC Press x 5-10 x 2

Gymnastics (Courtesy of CFM)
A. Segmented strict MU – 3 second pause in each position (pause at chest, catch, lockout, bottom of dip on way down) x1 reps x 5 sets **keep feet out in front of body with toes pointed at all times
B1. Feet elevated inverted bar row x15 reps x 2 sets **bar should just below the chest
B2. Stationary Dips x10 reps x 2 sets **straight body, no bend in knees
C. Hollow Hold w/PVC x15 seconds + Arch Hold w/PVC x 15 seconds x 3

A. Snatch off Blocks at Knee; 50%x3; 60%x3; 70-75%x3x3
B. Front Squat; 80%x2x3
10 Hang Squat Cleans @135/95
Rest 45 seconds
8 Hang Squat Cleans @155/105
Rest 45 seconds
6 Hang Squat Cleans @175/115
Rest 45 seconds
4 Hang Squat Cleans @195/135
Rest 45 seconds
2 Hang Squat Cleans @215/145
Rest 5 minutes
50 Burpees to 6″ for time
Rest 5 minutes
100/80 Calorie Ski for time

One Comment

  1. Activation Work – done.

    A. Did on low rings (no band)
    B1. Subbed ring rows
    B2. Could do sets of 8-8-4
    C. done

    A. Did power snatch at 63/73/85. These felt ok. Can’t do any squatting for a bit with my back.
    B. skipped
    Did hang power cleans at 83/93/103/113/123. Tried to go slow and work on form.

    Burpees: 3:50
    Ski: 7:47



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