October 7th, 2016

Shoulder Prep (Theraband or Crossover)
Foam Roll Lats, Pecs, Upper Back (1 Minute each)
PVC Weighted Pass Throughs
Side Lying DB External Rotation x 10/side
Single Leg RDL by feel
Jefferson Curl by feel

A. 7 Weighted Legless Rope Climbs – Not for time
B. MU Transition into Kipping Dip, work on timing here; 3×3; between each set, complete 15 second Front and Back Body Line Drills

A. High Hang Snatch; 50%x4; 60%x4; 70%x4
B. Snatch; 50%x2; 60%x2; 70%x2x2; 80%x2x2; 85%x2x2
C. Front Squat; tough double in 10 minutes

For time:
200 Double Unders
60 KB Snatches @32/24 kg (30/arm)
200 Double Unders


  1. Warm up done
    Legless climbs DONE at 20#
    MU and dips done

    Hangs: 95,115,115
    Snatches: 95,115,135,145,155
    Felt really good
    FS: 265 felt good

    Metcon: 10:06
    Was worried about my hand ripping and it did…go figure haha. Wasn’t too fatigued on this it was just heavy AF

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  2. A. Climbs and MU done — good drill with the MU. Reminds me of Kstarr concept of catching with connection. Needed to have fast turnover and drive out of the hole here.
    B. Snatch: 115-195 (couple misses on the second rep of the heavier sets. made them on 3rd attempt)
    C. Front squat: 275

    Conditioning: 9:09

    — Snatches and FS really fired up my back. While it has improved, it’s still not great. Working around it where I can. Trying to do some things to get those areas to quiet down. That said, will probably hit the class workout and finish with the accessory work tomorrow morning.

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